728x90 반응형 올림포스2024고11 EBS 올림포스 2024 기출문제집 영어독해(고1) 빈칸채우기 학습지 EBS에서 출판된 '파워업 독해유형편' 빈칸채우기 학습지입니다.교육용으로 만든 자료이니, 상업적 이용은 금지합니다. 02. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? (32p)The promise of a computerized society, we were told, was that it would pass to machines all of the repetitive drudgery of work, allowing us humans to pursue higher purposes and to have more leisure time. It didn't work out this way. Instead of more time, most of us have less. Companies large and small .. 2024. 10. 7. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형