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파워업 독해유형편 Unit 08 확인 문제

by pure-koos 2024. 11. 30.

쎄듀에서 출판된 '파워업 독해유형편' 확인 문제 학습지입니다.


교육용으로 만든 자료이니, 상업적 이용은 금지합니다.


내신대비용이며 원내 학생의 범위에 맞춰 제작된 것으로, 많은 도움이 되길 바랍니다.


파일은 글 하단에서 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.

출판사 쎄듀❘ 파워업 독해유형편





Even if we overcome cancer now, it would only mean that everyone will get to live to be ninety — but it will not be enough to reach 150, let alone 500. For that, medicine will need to reengineer the processes of the human body and discovers how to regenerate organs and tissues. It is by no means clear that we can do that by 2100. Nevertheless, every failed attempt to overcome death will get us a step closer to the target, and that will inspire greater hopes and encourage people to make even greater efforts. Though modern medicine won't solve death in time to make Google co-founder Sergey Brin immortally, it will probably make significant discoveries about cell biology and genetic medicines. The next generation of medicine could therefore start the attack on death from new and better positions. The scientists who cry "immortality" is like the boy who cried wolf: sooner or later, the wolf actually comes.



1. 위의 글에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.





2. 다음 글의 내용이 위와 일치하면 T, 일치하지 않으면 F를 쓰시오.

In order for people to live longer, beyond 150 years, the organs and tissues of the human body must be able to be regenerated. (    )

All failed attempts to overcome death will encourage greater efforts in the future. (    )

Through these advancements, modern medicine will find a way to create immortality through cell biology and genetic medicine before the generation passes. (    )

파워업 확인 문제_Unit 08.pdf


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