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파워업 독해유형편 미니 모의고사1 확인 문제

by pure-koos 2024. 12. 7.

쎄듀에서 출판된 '파워업 독해유형편' 확인 문제 학습지입니다.


교육용으로 만든 자료이니, 상업적 이용은 금지합니다.


내신대비용이며 원내 학생의 범위에 맞춰 제작된 것으로, 많은 도움이 되길 바랍니다.


파일은 글 하단에서 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.

출판사 쎄듀❘ 파워업 독해유형편




When we’re young, it's not uncommon to think that anything is possible (being an astronaut and a star baseball player at the same time, for example) and that we can accomplish everything if we work hard enough. It's true which big dreams often do come true for people who have ambition, but as we get older, we need to consider how our goals fit together to create one complete life. In other words, goals must not only be harmony with our own desires and dreams; the accomplishment of one goal on your life list should be made easier by the accomplishment of another. For example, if your wish is to become a yoga teacher and open your own studio, this goal will benefit from other goals such as "Go to an annual yoga camp with my best friend, "Visit India," and "Practice two new yoga poses every week." These types of goals create happiness and energy, and improves your chances of reaching your biggest goals.



2. 다음 글의 내용이 위와 일치하면 T, 일치하지 않으면 F를 쓰시오.

As we grow older, our thoughts about achievements and goals gradually change. (    )

Goals should not only be related to our abilities but also have the potential to influence our next objectives. (    )

파워업 확인 문제_미니 모의고사 1.pdf


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