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파워업 독해유형편 미니 모의고사2 확인 문제

by pure-koos 2024. 12. 8.

쎄듀에서 출판된 '파워업 독해유형편' 확인 문제 학습지입니다.


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내신대비용이며 원내 학생의 범위에 맞춰 제작된 것으로, 많은 도움이 되길 바랍니다.


파일은 글 하단에서 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.

출판사 쎄듀❘ 파워업 독해유형편





Lawyers are trained to provide only the conditions of the law. In many situations, they offer an opinion that is correct in that a company's conduct does not violate the law. Whether their conduct based on the law be ethical is a different question. For example, a team of White House lawyers concluded that international law did not ban torture of prisoners in Iraq because they were technically not prisoners of war. However, when pictures of prisoner abuses at prisons in Iraq emerged, the reaction of the public and the world was very different. The moral analysis, which went beyond interpretation of the law, was that the torture and abuse was wrong, regardless of their compliance with treaty standards. Following the abuse scandal, the U.S. government adopted new standards for interrogation of prisoners. Although the lawyers were perfectly correct in their legal system, that legal system did not cover the moral breaches of interpersonal and organizational abuse.



1. 위의 글에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.





2. 다음 글의 내용이 위와 일치하면 T, 일치하지 않으면 F를 쓰시오.

What matters to lawyers is that their actions do not violate the law, not whether they are ethical. (    )

Since the interpretation of the law is crucial as a standard for treaties, moral analysis cannot go beyond it. (    )

Lawyers must be able to deal solely with the law perfectly within the legal system. (    )

파워업 확인 문제_미니 모의고사 2.pdf


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